[python-win32] interacting with Windows Media Player

E R pc88mxer at gmail.com
Fri May 18 18:11:44 CEST 2007


I am trying to write a simple video bookmarking tool with python. It
would allow you to keep track of and annotate locations in video files
so you can quickly find and jump to them.

To do this I just need to solve two technical problems. The first is
to instantiate a visible instance of Windows Media Player. The code
listed in this posting works:


but WMP doesn't show a user interface. I think I need to put the WMP
COM object into a GUI object, but I'm very new to Win32 programming,
so any help would be greatly appreciated!

The second technical problem is to be able to ask WMP where in the
video stream it currently is. And then I need to be able to tell WMP
to start playing a file from a certain offset. Does anyone know how to
do this?

Also, I don't have to use WMP if this can be done easier with another
media player. All I need to play are MPEG2 video files.



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