[python-win32] win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents free threading re-entrancy

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Thu May 10 19:52:14 CEST 2007

Richard Bell schrieb:
> I'm working on an application that does some IE automation via the COM
> interface.  I'm running in a free thread model,  sys.coint_flags = 0, and
> starting IE with
> win32.com.client.DispatchWIthEvents("InternetExplorer.Application",
> event_handler_class).  Events are arriving as revealed by print statements
> in the event handling routines.  Unfortunately, testing suggest that the
> event handling routines are being reentered (a win32 mutex can not be got
> because the event routines were reentered BEFORE it was released). 

In a free-threaded apartment you must be prepared to receive events in different
threads.  So I think it is not forbidden that event handlers are reentered.

IMO this is most easily fixed by using an STA instead, if you can live with that.


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