[python-win32] Excel calls failing

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri May 4 09:53:28 CEST 2007

Carlos Izquierdo wrote:
> 	The error is almost always on the lines of: "bool object is not callable". 

Feel free to knock this suggestion on the head straightaway,
but an error of this type will often come down to the fact
that -- somewhere in the code -- you've bound a name which
is originally a callable (function, method, etc) to
something which is not callable. eg,

def found (text, s):
   return s in text

# .. some time later

d = {}
key = 1
found = key in d

# ... later still

if found ("mary had a little lamb", "lamb"):
   print "Found it!"


Obviously this has nothing to do with Excel (and may
have nothing to do with your problem :) but it certainly
exhibits the same symptoms.


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