[python-win32] Running CherryPy inside IIS

Robert Brewer fumanchu at amor.org
Tue May 1 19:16:02 CEST 2007

Tim Golden wrote:
> Paul Johnston wrote:
> [... snip loads of IIS stuff about which I'm
> blissfully ignorant ...]
> > Any suggestions will be much appreciated! Does anyone here 
> > have CherryPy working on Windows?
> Yup. I have it working standalone and (just today)
> behind mod_python - and with mod_auth_sspi to boot.
> But that obviously won't help if you're tied to IIS.

That's my production setup, too (Apache 2, mod_python, and
mod_auth_sspi), and is therefore a fundamental test case for CherryPy.

IIS/ASP doesn't have nearly that level of testing (even though I wrote
asp_gateway). I don't recommend it unless you have the time to debug the
interaction between various versions of IIS, ASP, pywin32, and Python.

Robert Brewer
System Architect
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at amor.org

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