[python-win32] looking for pythonwin gui tutorials

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz ghankiewicz at rastertech.es
Fri Mar 16 17:46:10 CET 2007

Ben wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been using Python just for two weeks, and I feel very 
> comfortable with it. The only stumbling blocks is on learning to build 
> gui with pywin (pythonwin). Is there any good tutorials or good 
> documentations out there ? (I can not find any good one on the 
> internet). I really appreciate for any pointer where I can find a good 
> tutorial about gui development with python.

I'm not sure if people tend to build GUIs just with pywin32. Usually 
they play with TK (comes with Python), wxPython (http://wxpython.org/), 
pyQT (http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/), and other specialised 
GUI toolkits. Each of these comes with a good amount of documentation.

Rastertech España S.A.
	Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
/Jefe de Producto TeraVial/

C/ Perfumería 21. Nave I. Polígono industrial La Mina
28770 Colmenar Viejo. Madrid (España)
Tel. +34 918 467 390 (Ext.18) 	  *·*   	Fax +34 918 457 889
ghankiewicz at rastertech.es 	  *·*   	www.rastertech.es 

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