[python-win32] COM: change in Python object does not get registered

Beat Niederhauser beat.niederhauser at gmx.ch
Sun Mar 4 21:37:22 CET 2007


I am completely new to COM and have trouble getting changes
in python code be passed to the COM interface. When
I apply changes to a Python class which is exposed as a COM
object, these changes somehow don't get registered correctly -
meaning that I cannot see the changes when accessing the COM
object from Excel/VBA.

In detail, I did the following.

1) created a python class exposed as a COM server
following Hammond/Robinson (chapter 12) with a function foo and
registered it in the registry
2) foo is called from Excel/VBA. This works fine.

3) Now I unregister the class and apply a change, say implement a
function bar, and registered again. Calling bar from VBA gives
me an error 438 (object does not support method).

I assume that I must be doing some trivial error. Any help
or pointer to more information is much appreciated.


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