[python-win32] PyWin32 - PostMessage return value

jbd evadream at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 01:35:36 CET 2007

Hello everybody !

I'm used to work under Linux/Unix environnement, but i've to deal with the
windows API which i didn't know anything about a few hours ago. I think
that my questions are pywin32 related even if it seems purely a problem
with the win32 api. I hope it's not a problem.

Here is my story.

I create a process via the CreateProcess function, and i wait using
WaitForInputIdle to be sure that the process is in ready state, it works
well (ie: the process is launched). I send a message via PostMessage and
i'd like to know if the command had been correctly processed, and i don't
know how to do it.

But, although the application is in ready state, some hardware
initialization has to be done and seems not to be accomplished when
WaitForInputIdle returns. The message i posted using PostMessage is
correctly processed, but nothing appends since the ressource i need were
not yet initialized. If i introduce a time.sleep(2) between the
WaitForInputIdle and the PostMessage function, everything is working fine.

On the msdn site, the PostMessage function returns a BOOL, but since this
is an asynchrone function, the return value just means that the message
has been posted without problem. Am i correct ? By the way, how do i check
for this return value with pywin32 ? All message related function seems to
return None.

Hope my explanation is clear.

Thanks you for any insights !

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