[python-win32] Recovering from AODB Exceptions, possible?

Rex Corrovan rex555 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 13 02:44:05 CET 2007

Awesome! CancelUpdate did the trick, thanks.

From: "Roger Upole" <rwupole at msn.com>
To: <python-win32 at python.org>
Subject: [python-win32]  Re: Recovering from AODB Exceptions, possible?
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 23:41:50 -0500

Rex Corrovan wrote:
 > So I have a function that ries to add a record:
 >     def EntryAdd(self, dataDict):
 >         try:
 >             self._DBConn.MoveFirst()
 >             self._DBConn.AddNew()
 >             for key, value in dataDict.items():
 >                 self._DBConn.Fields.Item(key).Value = value
 >             self._DBConn.Update()
 >         except pywintypes.com_error, e:
 >             print e
 >             print 'error text here'
 >         return True
 > So if the error already exists I get an exception, no problem, I handle 
 > log it.
 > The problem here is that anything I now try to use this recordset for 
 > throw an exception. Is there any way to recover from this without 
 > the whole recordset?

It's kind of hard to tell without a traceback, but at a guess
it looks like the offending record created with AddNew is
never removed from the recordset after the error occurs.
CancelUpdate() should get rid of it.


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