[python-win32] Re: where should adodbapi be placed within python-win32?

Roger Upole rwupole at msn.com
Fri Aug 24 05:53:39 CEST 2007

Vernon Cole wrote:
> I suppose I should make an introduction and an announcement before asking
> this question. So...
>    I am Vernon Cole. I have recently been made an admin for the adodbapi
> project on sourceforge. My stated purpose for seeking that appointment
> was to eventually retire the project by including it as part of
> pywin32. Mark Hammond has given his blessing to that effort. I have
> released adodbapi version 2.1 which includes all known bug fixes and
> most enhancement request patches. (see http://adodbapi.sourceforge.net
> for more information.)  I feel that it is time for its inclusion into
> pywin32.
>    Adodbapi is a pure python implementation of the complete db api 2.0
> specification which uses Microsoft ADO DB as its access method. It is
> dependent on pywin32 as a prerequisite because it uses the COM
> interface to reach ADO. Included units tests operate correctly with
> Microsoft ACCESS tables, MS-SQL, and MySQL (using an ODBC driver.) My
> reason for including it in pywin32 is to prevent having to download
> and install a third package (in addition to pywin32 and python itself)
> in order to have full 2.0 level database access. One more step towards
> "batteries included."
> Mark has asked me where within the pywin32 source tree should adodbapi be
> placed?  Here are my thoughts on the matter, your input is solicited...
> Existing distributions of adodbapi are at the site-packages level,
> siblings with pythonwin and win32com. i.e.
> C:\Python2x\Lib\site-packages\adodbapi .
>  I think that they should continue to be installed at that same place to
> simplify upgrades on systems where the package is already installed.
>  It feels right to me then for the source to be a new branch off of
> /pywin32  (i.e. /pywin32/adodbapi) rather than finding another place
> further down the tree.
> The existing directory tree looks like this:
> -- adodbapi-2.1
> ..--adodbapi
> ....--__init__.py
> ....--adodbapi.py
> ..--tests
> ....--adodbapitest.py
> ....--adodbapitestconfig.py
> ....--adbapi20.py      (and so forth)
> ..--license.txt
> ..--readme.txt
> ..--setup.py
> I understand nothing about the magic whereby the source in the CVS tree
> becomes the install file that I run on a target system. So my question is:
> would /pywin32/adodbapi/adodbapy/adodbapi.py be the correct place to put
> the source?
> --
> Vernon Cole

   Installing it directly in site-packages sounds reasonable to me, as well as
placing the source in  /pywin32/adodbapi.  If there's no C++ to compile,
getting it into the installer may be as simple as adding adodbapi to the list of
packages in setup.py.

   As a side note, how does it handle currency ?  The default method for
returning currency from COM is going to change to a Decimal object
at some point.


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