[python-win32] Parameterless propget in Python ActiveScriptincomplete

Johan Lindvall johan.lindvall at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 14:01:37 CEST 2007


I've been poking around a bit in the source code and the following
patch (against pywin210) more or less solves the problem. The code
obviously needs to be more robust, but I am not really familiar with
the inner workings of pywin32 / COM.

Index: dynamic.py
--- dynamic.py	(revision 36121)
+++ dynamic.py	(working copy)
@@ -377,6 +377,8 @@
 		for i in ALL_INVOKE_TYPES:
 				x,t = typecomp.Bind(attr,i)
+				if x==0 and (attr[:3] == 'Set' or attr[:3] == 'Get'):
+					x,t = typecomp.Bind(attr[3:], i) # strip get / set
 				if x==1:	#it's a FUNCDESC
 					r = olerepr._AddFunc_(typeinfo,t,0)
 				elif x==2:	#it's a VARDESC


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