[python-win32] Fwd: pywin32 bugs feedback from learner

Huang Guan crown.hg at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 07:50:45 CEST 2007

From: Huang Guan <crown.hg at gmail.com>
Date: 2007-8-1 ÉÏÎç12:25
Subject: pywin32 bugs feedback from learner
To: mhammond at skippinet.com.au

Dear pywin32 team,

First I want to express my appreciation to pywin32, who developed the
excellent extend utility package, which push python of

win32 develop so quickly.

I am a learner of pywin32, and I have some queries during my study. May I
draw your kindly attention to the following problem

and have some nice directions about that?

1). While using pythoncom develop com+ serivce, executed triumphantly. But
why the pythonservice appear in windows process

administer always? Is there any method to let pythonservice disappear from
windows process administer?

2). While using pythoncom develop com+ sever, below variable have been set:
    _svc_display_name_='myservice display name'
    _svc_description_='myservice description'
    Why it can't display server manufacture in the msconfig of windows xp?
How can I have the result as follow:
    eg: service name:VMware DHCP Service, service manufacture:VMware,Inc.

3). while using pywin32 to control IE, make sure spring OnDocumentComplete
affair already, thance, to load local HTML file to

IE, code as below:
    if v_s:
        print 'Exists pythoncom.IID_IPersistStreamInit '
Now it's sure that it initializtion the DHTML controller of IE successful,
and return a PyIPersistStreamInit object, but

according to the help from pywin32, there is only one initNew()method in
PyIPersistStreamInit object. So What's the method

load(),Save(),Release() for PyIPersistStreamInit? How to find it? How to
carry out the similar VC code function as below:
    hr = pPersistStreamInit->InitNew();
    if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
        // Load the contents of the stream.
        hr = pPersistStreamInit->Load( pStream );

4). While using pywin32 to control IE,
It's certain that using win32com.client.Dispatch return IE object.
It can execute the JavaScript method of current transfer page,
the following code has been execute and come through:
          v_id, 0, win32com.client.pythoncom.DISPATCH_METHOD, True,\
But: It can't execute the above code exactly In the
win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents return IE object.
How to solve this problem ? Would you pls kindly to show me some examples?

Anxiously awaiting your kindly comments.

Thanks and best regards!
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