[python-win32] Win32 service with tray icon

TC Hough tchough at tchough.com
Wed Apr 4 00:17:40 CEST 2007

Hi all,

I'm writing a win32 service in Python.  I'd like to add a tray icon displayed 
whenever the service is running.  I have played around with SysTrayIcon.py 
[1], but if a user logs off and logs back on, the tray icon disappears even 
though the service is still running.  I think the answer is probably getting 
my service to recreate the icon whenever a logon event happens.  I don't 
really know much about win32 programming, though.  Can someone point me in 
the right direction to solve this problem?


[1] http://www.brunningonline.net/simon/blog/archives/SysTrayIcon.py.html

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