[python-win32] Newbie question

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sat Sep 23 02:25:33 CEST 2006

> Hello, I don't really have experience using win32com and I'm 
> running into a problem.  I'm trying to use a COM object.  
> Several of the functions take strings as arguments, but when 
> I pass in a string I get an exception:
> The documentation claims that the argument is a pointer to a 
> string.  Looking in PythonWin's COM browser, it appears that 
> the object is expecting an integer pointer. Is there a way to 
> get around this?  

If the typelib specifies an integer, that it probably more correct than the
docs.  I'd suggest you try the MS COM browser, and if that still says it
wants an int, then contract the author of the COM object.

Sorry I can't be more help.

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