[python-win32] Python.AXScript (win32com) in Netstumbler

sam lee skynare at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 22:16:20 CEST 2006

On 10/12/06, Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au> wrote:
> Try:
> def NetStumbler_OnScanResult(SSID,BSSID,CapFlags,Signal,Noise,LastSeen):
>    ...
> I think the above is similar to VBScript - at least it was when the AXScript support was written :)
> Mark

That doesn't do. I tried with __ and ___ between global object name
(NetStumbler) and function name (OnScanResult) also.

Wierd thing is that for JScript and VBScript, I can supply an empty
file to NetStumbler. And, the empty script continues to run (I can see
that in Status box in Scripting tab of Option dialogue of

However, for Python.AXScript, script quits running as soon as it
reaches the end.
For example, I can have a python script as:

When I run that, it plays sounds once and Status box says : Not running.

If I put some blocking function:
import easygui
easygui.msgbox('lol') #creates a message box and waits until the
message box is closed

Status box says Running as long as the message box is not closed. And
as soon as the message box is closed, Status box changes to Not

So, def NetStumbler_OnScanResult(...
did not work.
I can't tell if it is because GlobalObjectName_FunctionName is old way
of doing things (even in VBScript, I can just override Sub
OnScanResult ... instead of NetStumbler_OnScanResult), or it's because
connection between NetStumber and Active Scripting environment is not

Thank you.

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