[python-win32] Python.AXScript (win32com) in Netstumbler

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Oct 12 08:22:21 CEST 2006

> Now, I do the same in Python.AXScript:
> def OnScanResult(SSID,BSSID,CapFlags,Signal,Noise,LastSeen):
>     PlaySound("ns-signal-1.wav")
> And it says PlaySound not defined. Of course there is
> winsound.PlaySound.

PlaySound will be a method on a "global" object.  Due to the way Python
works, it is difficult to always make these methods truly global - hence in
ASP, you need, eg, 'Response.Write' rather than the plain 'Write' other
languages offer.  You need to find the name of the equivilent global
variable in Netstumbler.



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