[python-win32] Outlook Addin Help

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu May 11 14:53:47 CEST 2006

> I've created an addin derived from the example in the ..\win32com\demos
> directory (outlookAddin.py). I've also taken a look at the source code
> for the SpamBayes addin.
> The addin works, but I get an error from Outlook when I close Outlook
> and then *immediately* try and restart it. The error from Outlook
> is "The operation failed."

Outlook is fairly complicated ;)  Depending on how it is configured, a
mapisp32.exe, responsible for mail delivery, does hang around a few seconds
after outlook terminates, and I recall problems restarting Outlook in this
period even without a plugin loaded.

Thus, I'm afraid I don't believe this is specific to Python (ie, I've no
idea! :)  If some evidence does convince me otherwise, I'd then start
looking at what pythoncom._GetGatewayCount() and/or _GetInterfaceCount()
returns as the plugin terminates and ensure they are both zero before
looking deeper (spambayes has never managed zero here - IIRC it is the
gateway count that is always 2).



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