[python-win32] Re: exe version information and icon extraction?

Roger Upole rwupole at msn.com
Wed Jan 25 05:46:55 CET 2006

> Hi, I'm trying to get some information out of some .exe files on
> Windows.  I want to get the "Original File Name" and other resources /
> properties.  (Company, file version, and other stuff you can see by
> right clicking on an exe and choosing the version tab.)
> I'd also like to get a small wxImage from the app's icon.  I've fonud
> the LoadIcon call in win32gui, but don't really know what to do with
> the HICON to get a wxImage.
>Thanks for the help,
> -Jim

You can use win32api.GetFileVersionInfo to retrieve all the version
properties.  See \win32\demos\getfilever.py for usage.


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