[python-win32] Excel

John Machin sjmachin at lexicon.net
Tue Jan 10 20:09:11 CET 2006

Stefan Elwesthal wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have to ask, cause two days later I'm starting to get annoyed ;-)
> How could I use PythonCOM and save my re-worked Excel file as an xlCSV file? All I get is
> "SaveAs method in Worksheet class failed".
> Is something wrong with this line?

Yes. Two things.

> sh.SaveAs("C:\file.csv", FileFormat='xlCSV')

(1) Elementary precaution for working with file paths in Windows using 
Python is to use eithereither raw strings or slashes:

sh.SaveAs(r"C:\file.csv", FileFormat='xlCSV')
sh.SaveAs("C:/file.csv", FileFormat='xlCSV')

By so doing you don't run the risk of the first letter of a "word" being 
interpreted as a control character (form feed in your case).

(2) The FileFormat argument is an int, not a string

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