[python-win32] Makepy and Documentum Foundation Classes

d.w. harks dave at psys.org
Wed Feb 22 17:49:01 CET 2006

Greetings, all,

I'm working with the COM interface for Documentum, trying to expose it
via PythonCOM.

Unfortunately, the dynamic dispatch and makepy utilities don't get the
correct IDs for the various methods -- which are often object factories
that lead to more dispatches.

However, once I got the initial Dispatch to work, if I call
GetIDsFromNames on the _oleobj_ of the parent object for each method I
want to call, I get a correct ID -- by updating the makepy-generated
file with this, things start to work correctly.

Obviously, manually going through the generated file and updating the
IDs is not a great solution, so I'd like to patch build.py...

But I really have no idea where to start. Any hints? Even an idea of
what methods to look at would be much appreciated.

Oh, I should mention that Documentum's COM objects are implemented via
the COM-Java bridge, which could be related, though I'm not sure.



David W. Harks <dave at psys.org>

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