[python-win32] Dispatch error 'CoInitialize has not been called'

Bob Gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
Fri Dec 29 20:29:27 CET 2006

Tim Golden wrote:
> [Bob Gailer]
>> OK. I don't know whether its running in a thread. I made no 
>> changes that I'm aware of that would cause the change in 
>> behavior. I will add the call to pythoncom.CoInitialize. I am 
>> not familiar with this method.
> This is one of those gotcha's of Win32 COM programming;
> you can be happily using some code which runs fine. You
> then drop it into a [web server / service / scheduled job]
> and lo! you're now running in a thread.
Yeah, but when I said it was working, it was working in the server! 
Wednesday AM just fine. Wednesday afternoon suddenly not working fine. I 
swear I didn't change anything!

Is there some way my program can introspect? to see if it is in a thread?
> I'm not sure (and perhaps someone can advise) whether there's
> any harm in *always* calling CoInitialize!

Bob Gailer

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