[python-win32] Displaying contents of a file using PyWin

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-p32 at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Dec 22 02:53:42 CET 2006

[Forwarded from python-list at ...]

At Thursday 21/12/2006 13:51, MiguelS wrote:

>import win32ui
>from pywin.mfc import docview
>t = docview.DocTemplate()
>t.OpenDocumentFile("d:/temp/music.log", True)
>This caused windows to close PythonWin.

This appears to be a problem with pywin32.
Using release 209 for Python 2.4 I get an Access Violation.

Also I've noticed that this idiom:

except NameError:
     # haven't run this before - that's ok

doesn't work anymore because RemoveDocTemplate raises a different 
exception now.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 


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