[python-win32] Python Windows on Wikipedia

Bokverket bokverket at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 15 00:52:20 CET 2006

That's an absolutely fabolous idea. In particular, a lot of more general
info on accessing Windows from Python (and maybe Python from a typical app
like Microsoft Excel or Word) would fit there. The things that one dare not
ask here, in spite of the "no-dumb policy" :-)

In fact I think that it would increase the traffic on this list due to a
whole new group of people joining.  The problem is that the learning curve
is steep if you want to do something,
start reading on this site, my problem is maybe typical that I read the
book/chapter on Python and Windows long ago and got a canonical Hello World
app to run (I managed to open Word from Python and was proud). Maybe there
are good books or online resources on how to get a library up and running,
what libraries are needed etc, how a COM works in conjunction with Pyton,
etc., if so they could just be referenced.

The target-group of the text ought to be programmers needing some glue.


(Will comment on Tim G's post later, 1 a.m. here in Sweden :-)

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