[python-win32] Question about os.system

Wu, Huaxing (STP) huaxing.wu at guidant.com
Thu Dec 7 17:28:02 CET 2006

Thanks for trying out and fix the typo (Outlook loves to capitalize the
first letter)
My environment is Windows 2000, and I was running from Eclipse.
To follow your example, I tried to run them from command prompt, and I
in C:\temp\x\aa.py
in C:\temp\x\bb.py
in C:\temp\x\cc.py
executingh cc.py 0
executingh bb.py 0
So it works.
But when I tried again to run them from eclipse. I got only
in C:\temp\x\aa.py
in C:\temp\x\bb.py
executingh cc.py 0
executingh bb.py 0
The "in C:\temp\x\cc.py" never get printed And some of my more
complicated real example shows cc.py never run. Will this be a problem
with Pydev?
Thank you


From: python-win32-bounces at python.org
[mailto:python-win32-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of James Matthews
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 9:08 PM
To: Tim Roberts
Cc: Python-Win32 List
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Question about os.system

Try Exec with the file handle

On 12/6/06, Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> wrote: 

	Wu, Huaxing (STP) wrote:
	> Hi, all,
	> I have some problem using os.system when a command that
spawned by
	> os.system itself tries to use os.system. It may be easier to
	> with an example. 
	> Assume I have 3 python scripts. They are aa.py, bb.py and
	> File aa.py (Try to run bb.py using os.system)
	> import os
	> print "in", __file__
	> sysCode = os.system(" bb.py")
	> Print "executing bb.py ", sysCode
	> File bb.py (try to run cc.py using os.system)
	> import os
	> print "in", __file__
	> sysCode = os.system("cc.py ")
	> Print "executing cc.py ", sysCode
	> File cc.py
	> import os
	> print "in", __file__
	> On command line, run "aa.py"
	> And cc.py never get run. Is there anything wrong in the code?
	Works for me in Windows XP, once I fixed your print/Print
	What environment are you in?
	C:\tmp\x>type aa.py
	import os
	print "in", __file__ 
	sysCode = os.system("bb.py")
	print "executing bb.py ", sysCode
	C:\tmp\x>type bb.py
	import os
	print "in", __file__
	sysCode = os.system("cc.py")
	print "executing cc.py ", sysCode
	C:\tmp\x>type cc.py
	import os
	print "in", __file__
	C:\tmp\x>python aa.py
	in aa.py
	in C:\tmp\x\bb.py
	in C:\tmp\x\cc.py
	executing cc.py  0
	executing bb.py   0
	Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
	Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
	Python-win32 mailing list 
	Python-win32 at python.org

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