[python-win32] Compiling a Python Windows application

James Matthews nytrokiss at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 04:19:41 CET 2006

PYPY would help because it is said to compile python programs what i would
also recommend is prex and pysco

On 12/4/06, Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> wrote:
> Bob Gailer wrote:
> >> So maybe try your Python suggestion, if I can get it to work.  You
> showed it
> >> as Python being started first and then accessing Word, but I suppose
> that
> >> the other way that people suggested (use VB for dialog boxes, then
> shell
> >> Python) is OK, too. Can the parameters that were entered in the dialog
> box
> >> be made accessible to Python?
> >>
> Shelling to Python is one method, but it is also possible to write a COM
> server in Python and instantiate it from VB just like any COM object.
> If you actually need to pass data back and forth, that may be a better
> way.
> --
> Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
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