[python-win32] detect file modification event

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Fri Oct 21 09:48:36 CEST 2005

[Jim McCoy]

> The only warning I would add here is that you should be aware of the
fact that your watcher 
> thread will block waiting for a change to occur in the directory; you
cannot cancel the 
> blocked ReadDirectoryChangesW call using the standard pywin32

If it causes a problem it might be worth considering one of the other
techniques, eg


which uses the standard WaitForSingleObject approach which admits of a

> We have put together some patches for ReadDirectoryChangesW in
> that enable you to do this check using an io completion event so that
you do 
> not end up blocking on the directory you are watching.  I have been a
> bum and left these things sitting in a directory waiting to send off
to Mark... 
> I guess I should pass them along.

Please do. I, at least, would love to grapple with it.

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