[python-win32] Struct datatypes from Com objects

Sean White s_white19 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 23 00:18:21 CET 2005

Is there special usage for instantiating a struct type
object defined in a com object?

I am working with a com object, and in it is a struct
datatype, which is later used as a required parameter
for a method.

I cannot seem to be able to instantiate an object of
type, and this is preventing me from being able to
the one method I need to call.

I can see the type in the pythonwin com browser, as
as another com object browser from 'oakland software'

I have tried dispatching it and importing it, as well
as trying to define it as the base class for a new
class, with no luck. It is as if it cannot be seen
my current scope.

I really don't know how to better ask that question, 
let me know what information you might be missing.

- Sean

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