[python-win32] Cannot use Browse PythonPath in PythonWin

Richard Dybowski richard at inferspace.com
Thu Mar 17 22:24:30 CET 2005

I have recently installed PythonWin 2.4. There is a problem with 
Tools->Browse PythonPath. Whenever I select it, I get the long error 
message shown below. I would be very grateful for any help with this matter.

My operating system is Windows 98 SE (4.10.2222A)
Python used is ActivePython 2.4.0-244 (from which I got PythonWin)
sys.path is
['', 'C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\PYTHON24.zip', 'C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop', 
'C:\\PYTHON24\\DLLs', 'C:\\PYTHON24\\lib', 'C:\\PYTHON24\\lib\\plat-win', 
'C:\\PYTHON24\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\PYTHON24\\LIB\\SITE-PACKAGES\\PYTHONWIN', 
'C:\\PYTHON24', 'C:\\PYTHON24\\lib\\site-packages', 

-----------------< Output from Browse PythonPath >--------------------------

Failed to execute command:
from pywin.tools import browseProjects;browseProjects.Browse()
Traceback (most recent call last):
"C:\PYTHON24\LIB\SITE-PACKAGES\PYTHONWIN\pywin\framework\toolmenu.py", line 
103, in HandleToolCommand
     exec "%s\n" % pyCmd
   File "<string>", line 1, in ?
line 251, in DockablePathBrowser
     bar.CreateWindow(win32ui.GetMainFrame(), DockableBrowserCreator, "Path 
Browser", 0x8e0a)
"C:\PYTHON24\LIB\SITE-PACKAGES\PYTHONWIN\pywin\docking\DockingBar.py", line 
71, in CreateWindow
     self.dialog = apply(childCreator, (self,) + childCreatorArgs)
line 245, in DockableBrowserCreator
     list = hl.HierInit (parent, control)
   File "C:\PYTHON24\LIB\SITE-PACKAGES\PYTHONWIN\pywin\tools\hierlist.py", 
line 93, in HierInit
   File "C:\PYTHON24\LIB\SITE-PACKAGES\PYTHONWIN\pywin\tools\hierlist.py", 
line 220, in AcceptRoot
     subItems = self.GetSubList(root)
   File "C:\PYTHON24\LIB\SITE-PACKAGES\PYTHONWIN\pywin\tools\hierlist.py", 
line 268, in GetSubList
     return self.DelegateCall(item.GetSubList)
   File "C:\PYTHON24\LIB\SITE-PACKAGES\PYTHONWIN\pywin\tools\hierlist.py", 
line 255, in DelegateCall
     return fn()
line 178, in GetSubList
     hKey = win32api.RegOpenKey(regutil.GetRootKey(), keyStr)
error: (2, 'RegOpenKeyEx', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')

------------------------------< End of 
output >-----------------------------------

Richard Dybowski
143 Village Way
Pinner HA5 5AA, UK
Tel: 07976 250092  

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