[python-win32] Re: python crash with IE Activex

Mike Thompson mike.spam.filter at day8.com.au
Wed Mar 16 11:56:27 CET 2005

Stani Michiels wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I'm playing with the demo example ActiveXWrapper_IE.py. What I want is 
>>avoid users access some url's. To accomplish this I'm using 
>>OnBeforeNavigate2 event, returning a true value should cancel the request...
>>def OnBeforeNavigate2(self, pDisp, URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, 
>>PostData, Headers, Cancel) :
>>         self.log.write('OnBeforeNavigate2: %s\n' % URL)
>>         if URL == "http://www.microsoft.com/": <http://www.microsoft.com/%22:>
>>             return 1
>>The problem is that if I return a true value, python crashes :s
>>I've been searching some info, but got no luck :(
>>Any ideas?
>>Xavi Beumala
> I would like to know as well. Please let me know if you have a solution.
> Thanks,
> Stani
> http://spe.pycs.net

 From memory ...

If you don't want to do the navigation:

     Cancel = False

if you do, then leave Cancel as its default True

Perhaps code like this ...
def OnBeforeNavigate2(self, pDisp, URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, 
PostData, Headers, Cancel) :
         self.log.write('OnBeforeNavigate2: %s\n' % URL)

         if URL != "http://www.microsoft.com/":
             Cancel = False


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