[python-win32] Forcing win32com.client.dispatch to start up a fresh Excel

Tom_RobbinsMilne@swissre.com Tom_RobbinsMilne at swissre.com
Tue Jun 21 22:27:01 CEST 2005


>> If this means "Can I create a totally different independant instance of 

>> Excel so that I don't run the risk of stuffing up what the user is 
>> with their existing instance", then I'd like to know too.

That's exactly what it is.

Actually a bit more complicated than that for me.

I'm building a farm of XP boxes to run Excel spreadsheet based models.

I have a bit of python to act as a server, reading a message over a 
socket, calling out to Excel, and returning the result.

I expect to be running more than one server on a machine, and hence more 
than one "instance" of Excel.

What Tim proposed worked for me in the simple test I ran (meaning it 
didn't kill the already-running-instance of excel when I ran it a few 

Soon I'll be doing the more involved thing, with a farm of one. I'll 
certainly let y'all know if it doesn't work!


John Machin <sjmachin at lexicon.net> 

Sent by: python-win32-bounces+tom_robbinsmilne=swissre.com at python.org
06/21/2005 04:15 PM


python-win32 at python.org
Re: [python-win32] Forcing win32com.client.dispatch to start up a fresh 

Tom_RobbinsMilne at swissre.com wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use Python's win32com interface to drive an excel 
> spreadsheet.
> I've managed to have it open the sheet, call a VBA function with 
> arguments, and close it down cleanly.
> However, if Excel is already running, it closes the open instance. 
> Which is not good.
> Is there a way I can do the equivalent of VBA's CreateObject() with 
> win32com? 

If this means "Can I create a totally different independant instance of 
Excel so that I don't run the risk of stuffing up what the user is doing 
with their existing instance", then I'd like to know too.

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