[python-win32] import and asp-python and iis - strange behaviour

Simon Hook simon.j.hook at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jun 7 06:14:08 CEST 2005


Looks like our messages crossed in the ether. Thanks for the 
clarification. I was using

iis->click on default web site and start/stop, rather than restart iis.

Also thanks for info on python versus asp. In my previous message using 
reload in a python file does work so you do not need to restart iis 
everytime but it is probably inefficient?


Robert Brewer wrote:

>Simon Hook wrote:
>>I am trying to use import in an asp python page. If I have:
>><%@ LANGUAGE = Python%>
>>import myfile
>>Then myfile can only be found if its in the root of the 
>>python install directory, e.g. c:\python23
>>and only if the file is called myfile.py and it contains 
>>python NOT asp code. If I have some python code and it is
>>loaded by a webpage, if I make any changes to the code
>>in myfile.py the changes do not come into effect unless
>>I reboot my machine. I tried start/stop/start iis but that 
>>has no effect, I tried open/close/open and I tried the python 
>>reload() command. None of these had any effect.
>>The only way I could get an asp-python file included was to 
>>use the asp include:
>><!--#include file="dumpform.asp"-->
>>How can I get asp to pull python code from another directory 
>>and how can I make a change and not have to reboot for the
>>change to be invoked? Can I use import with an asp page?
>That's odd. When you say "stop/start iis" are you only restarting the
>www service? I find that the following works: open the Internet Services
>Manager, right click on the computer and choose "Restart IIS..." from
>the menu, then "Restart Internet Service on machinename".
>AFAICT, any code inside an .asp file will be reloaded whenever it
>changes. Any code within an imported .py file requires the restart I
>described above.
>FWIW I've had some issues in the past with "import myfile", and I find
>"from mypackage import mfile" to be more reliable. Sorry; I don't have
>any hard data on that at the moment--lost in the mists of history. But
>everything I import in .asp files sits in my site-packages folder
>Robert Brewer
>System Architect
>Amor Ministries
>fumanchu at amor.org

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