[python-win32] constants problem

kimwaic888-pythonwin32@yahoo.com kimwaic888-pythonwin32 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 21 01:51:12 CEST 2005

Regarding my previous message, here's sample code I am
using.  It runs fine on my computer but not others. 
These computers have same versions of Word, Python,
and Python-win32:

from win32com.client import Dispatch, constants

wordApp = Dispatch("Word.Application")

print constants.wdTextWrappingBreak
print constants.wdLine


> Hi, list:
> This is puzzling.  For the PythonWin32 based Word
> script I developed, everything works fine on my
> machine.  However, when I run the script on another
> machine, it would fail whenever it comes across any
> the constants variables (such as, for example,
> constants.wdLine, constants.wdStory, or any of
> I checked and rechecked and the machines are all
> running the same version of Python (2.3) and same
> versions of PythonWin32.
> Anybody??
> Thanks,
> --
> --
> John Henry
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John Henry

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