[python-win32] list/kill processes on Win9x and NT+...

sebastien Pastor spastor at center.com
Wed Jul 13 18:37:25 CEST 2005

I am using wmi  and win32api.

so it goes like  :

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ()
            for p in c.Win32_Process ():
                if p.Name=="process.exe":
                    print "killing  " + str(p.ProcessId) + str(p.Name)

        except win32api.error:

Hope this helps ..



Gabriel Genellina wrote:

>At Wednesday 13/7/2005 00:30, RayS wrote:
>>Ah, now I just found after searching for "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"
>>>>Does anyone have a way to list/kill without the external process that 
>>works in all 9x and XP?
>>>PDH will work for NT, 2000 and up. For Win95/98 you can enumerate 
>>processes using ToolHelp32: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q175030/
>If you eventually craft a function for enumerating all processes which 
>works on all platforms, would be nice if you could post it here...
>Gabriel Genellina
>Softlab SRL 
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