[python-win32] polling values from physical sensors

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Thu Jul 7 02:24:41 CEST 2005

On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 13:01:55 +0200,  "Reenaers, Ludovic" 
<ludovic.reenaers at be.unisys.com> wrote:

>I'm currently trying to write service in python (prototyping), this
>service will, ideally, poll physical sensors (such as temperature
>sensor, light sensor,...) to get range of values. I want to write it on
>a Win32 platform. But, My problem is: I don't have any idea of the
>necessary hardware and, never the less, I don't know which python/win32
>module I will have to use in order to communicate with those sensor.
>Will I have to buy a kind of controller for sensors? What kind? Is there
>some normalization about that? Does some body Has any Idea where I could
>start my investigations?

There are many different ways to connect sensors to personal computers, 
all the way from sophisticated sensors that have USB controllers built 
in, down to simple boards that are wired directly to pins on a parallel 
port.  You need to get your hardware settled before you start worrying 
about how to communicate.

Where are you getting the sensors?  Most of the places that supply 
sensors have interface kits as well.  B&B Electronics, Digikey, and 
Jameco are all electronic suppliers that have sensors and interface kits 
available.  You might do some web searches for robotics suppliers.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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