[python-win32] Getting new thread's ID (not handle)

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Aug 2 00:28:13 CEST 2005

GetThreadID is a member of an MFC CThread class, probably not what you want.
The thread itself can call GetCurrentlThreadId - so the simplest way is
probably for your new thread to call this function and store the result in a
global.  Your main thread can then use this global.

The only other way I know to get this thread ID is to create the thread
using win32process.CreateThread - that will return the thread ID and handle
of the new thread.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: python-win32-bounces at python.org
[mailto:python-win32-bounces at python.org]On Behalf Of Justin Johnson
  Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2005 5:35 AM
  To: python-win32 at python.org
  Subject: [python-win32] Getting new thread's ID (not handle)

  MSDN says PostThreadMessage takes the thread ID as a parameter.  >From
reading the doc I see that handle and ID are different and that both should
be returned when creating a new thread with CreateThread.  I am creating a
new thread with the threading module and do not see a way to get the ID
back.  I searched the source to see if CreateThread is being called and
didn't find anything.  Does anyone know how to get a thread's ID if the
thread was created with threading.Thread?

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