[python-win32] MSWord: Server Busy

Fabricio Guzman fguzman_slotown at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 30 18:24:06 CEST 2004

How about trapping the error with a try block:

bWorked = false

while bWorked == false
      wordApp.ActiveDocument.PageSetup.TopMargin = 5
      bWorked = true

it's not pretty but it will try and try until the
server is finished initializing.


--- Bill Papadopoulos <b_papadopoulos at iris.gr> wrote:

> >>Hi !
> >>"server busy"  c'est souvent du au temps de
> lancement de ms-word
> >> "server busy"  it's often because ms-word is slow
> to begin to run.
> >>Ajoute/Add   "time.sleep(5)"
> >>Michel Claveau
> Hello Michael and thank your for responding,
> This is what I do before I get the "Server Busy"
> message:
> #Setting TopMargin
> wordApp.ActiveDocument.PageSetup.TopMargin = 5
> where wordApp is my Dispatch object.
> I 've already tried time.sleep() after setting the
> Margin which resulted 
> to a "server busy" message and then the script
> "slept".
> Also, I tried time.sleep() before setting the Margin
> which resulted 
> to make the script wait and then to get the "server
> busy" message.
> I need something like:
> while waiting for margin to be set:
>     time.sleep()
> Any suggestions? 
> Anyway, thanks again!
> Vax
> ____________________
> b_papadopoulos at iris.gr
> vax at cls.gr
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