[python-win32] Returning objects from COM

Alias Alias blipbeep at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 05:26:35 CEST 2004

The short anwer... you probably can't. COM returns primitive types OR
other objects. You could return another IDispatch object (it's not a
python obj), and
then you could get properties from it. This object would be a COM object and
could be written in C++ or Python.


o = win32com.client.Dispatch("MyOwnObject.Name")
person = o.getPerson("John Doe")
print person.Name
print person.UserID

On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 17:12:08 +0200, Danie Roux <droux at tuks.co.za> wrote:
> I don't know COM at all, and fter spending a few hours being confused by
> this, I hope someone have an answer for me:
> How do I return a custom Python object from a COM server? All examples and
> literature I find only allows me to return primitive types.
> Basically I want this to work:
> o = win32com.client.Dispatch("MyOwnObject.Name")
> " person is a complex object of type Person
> person = o.getPerson("John Doe")
> print person.getName()
> --
> Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix
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