[python-win32] RE: Distutils and binaries without compilation

Mark English Mark.English at liffe.com
Tue Sep 21 17:17:14 CEST 2004

> >>Mark English wrote:
> >>
> >>>The short version of this question is how do you include
> >>binaries in a
> >>>distribution without including their source ?
> >>
> >>What is wrong with python setup.py bdist_wininst?
> >>This is what pywin32 uses.
> > 
> > 
> > I still end up with a winzip file (executable) which 
> contains only .py 
> > files, and no .pyd files.
> When you declare all extension modules distutils will pack them too.
How do I do that ? How do you "declare all extension modules" ?
Even if I explicitly add a module with "modules =
["Start.CompiledCExtensions.ABunchOfExtensions.pyd"] it doesn't work.
As I said before if you add it as:
ext_modules=[Extension("Start.CompiledCExtensions", [""])]
it wants code specified to build it.

At the moment I've hacked an extension to py2exe which uses its module
and dll finding capabilities to copy across all dependencies (pyd and
dll) as data files.

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