[python-win32] Re: [Py2exe-users] DllUnregister Question.

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Fri Oct 8 18:05:22 CEST 2004

Blake Winton <bwinton at latte.ca> writes:

>>> Okay, and I'm guessing that that would be very hard to do?  Could we
>>> store the list of open libraries before and after we load
>>> Pythonxx.dll, and then close them all in our check_deinit() method?
>>> I haven't done much Win32 programming, so I'm a little out of my
>>> depth here.
>>> If that's really hard to do, could we at least unload pythonxx.dll,
>>> so that I can complain to the base python people that they aren't
>>> cleaning up after themselves?  ;)

> Mark Hammond wrote:
>> It is hard to do, and unfortunately the python people most likely to hear
>> that complaining will drag Thomas and/or I into it.  The Python world is so
>> inbred there isn't much of an "us and them" distinction :)
> I figured it was either that, or that Thomas and you were the base
> python people.  If it's hard, and wouldn't really benefit anyone, then
> I retract my suggestion (at least until I've got the time to implement
> it myself).  As an easier fix, could a note be put in some of the
> documentation somewhere, describing the problem, and suggesting a
> workaround?  I'm guessing google will pick up our conversation from
> py2exe and python-win32, which is probably good enough, now that I
> think of it.

At least there's a pointer in the pywin32 sources, file
com\win32com\src\dllmain.cpp, which is part of pythoncomxx.dll:

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