[python-win32] Re: [Py2exe-users] DllUnregister Question.

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Oct 8 02:02:30 CEST 2004

> Okay, and I'm guessing that that would be very hard to do?  Could we
> store the list of open libraries before and after we load
> Pythonxx.dll,
> and then close them all in our check_deinit() method?  I haven't done
> much Win32 programming, so I'm a little out of my depth here.
> If that's really hard to do, could we at least unload
> pythonxx.dll, so
> that I can complain to the base python people that they
> aren't cleaning
> up after themselves?  ;)

It is hard to do, and unfortunately the python people most likely to hear
that complaining will drag Thomas and/or I into it.  The Python world is so
inbred there isn't much of an "us and them" distinction :)

I agree that is is a bit of a PITA, but why not just work around it?  Spawn
a new process to perform the unregistration - you can even create such a
tool yourself (in python) and package it with your app - that is what most
people facing this do.  I doubt many people will find the significant time
needed to work around a problem very rarely seen, and where a reasonable
workaround exists.

FWIW, when I first raised this with the Inno guy, he agreed that Inno itself
should be able to deal with this problem, but also said he would have
problems finding the time to fix it when reasonable workarounds exist.


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