AW: [python-win32] com server instantiation mess

Sprinzing, Thomas Thomas.Sprinzing at
Mon Nov 22 13:58:31 CET 2004

> As Niki hinted, the issue is related purely to the Python 
> logging module.
> The reason is that each thread does:
> logger=logging.getLogger('mylogger')
> ...
> logger.addHandler(handler)
> But, logging.getLogger() maintains a global set of loggers.  
> The second time that the same process calls this code, you 
> have a single logger object, but with *two* handler objects 
> added.  Each of these handlers prints the message.
> I've been burnt by this too :)
D'oh. Who could have guessed that. So the loggers i create are global within
: an Application (=Task) or within a machine?
I guess the latter. (Didin't try yet)
Anyway, the fix was easily done:

def __init__(self):
		import logging
		import logging.handlers
		import pythoncom 
		loggerid = str(pythoncom.CreateGuid())
		self.logfile_size = 1048577
		self.logfile_count = 10
		self.formatter_string = '%(asctime)s %(message)s'
		self.loglevel = logging.INFO

Every new instance gets its own loggerid. Works like a charm so far.

Thanks Mark & Niki

Thomas Sprinzing

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