[python-win32] keyboard macro

Jürgen Kareta python at kareta.de
Wed Nov 10 12:01:33 CET 2004

Hello all,

hello Tim, thanks for the links. I've played a bit with sendkeys, WinGuiAuto 
and WATSUP, is's really nice.

I have one question (WinNT,Python2.3.3,pywin 203):

I want to get the apps in a Citrix Metaframe client window. If I understand the 
win32api.hlp, the apps are collected in a ListViewControl(!=ListboxControl):

hwnd=WinGuiAuto.findTopWindow(wantedText='Citrix Program Neighborhood)
for c in controls:
    print c,win32gui.GetClassName(c), win32gui.GetWindowText(c)

results in:
66080 ComboBox 
66084 Edit 
131622 ToolbarWindow32 
66088 Static 
66068 msctls_statusbar32 0 Objekt(e)
66070 SysListView32 
66074 SysHeader32 
66076 ReBarWindow32 
66078 ComboBoxEx32

win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) put the right window in front. I've tried a 
lot, but get always empty result sets. Any hints ?


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