[python-win32] Win32pdhutil - GetFormattedCounterValue while running python thu IIS

sebastien Pastor spastor at center.com
Fri Mar 26 17:44:40 EST 2004

Hi guys,

I ve got a piece of script which basically retrieve the "Current Connections", given by the Web Service
object. I am using Win32pdhutil and it works smoothly when i run the script locally.
If i try to run thru IIS  as a cgi i ve got this message :

  File "E:\PROGRA~1\Python22\Lib\site-packages\win32\lib\win32pdhutil.py", line 59, in GetPerformanceAttributes
    type, val = win32pdh.GetFormattedCounterValue(hc, format)
pywintypes.error: (-2147481645, 'GetFormattedCounterValue', 'No error message is available')

I guess it might be permissions error but cannot find out which one ...

Any help will be highly appreciated .


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