[python-win32] Re: Is there a Python win32 RunAs equivalent where youcan send a password?

R. Alan Monroe amonroe at columbus.rr.com
Thu Mar 18 09:30:27 EST 2004

> Look at the comments in the recipe - the full text is at
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/81402/

> Basically, you need special rights to do this "Act as part of the
> Operating System" is the key bit. The "RunAs" command gets round this
> by using a service as an intermediary. The "RunAs" service handles the
> job of running as a different user - it runs as the SYSTEM user, which
> has most rights on by default.

Does this whole impersonation business work with os.system()? What
about the threading module? I'm not having any luck with it.

Per the cookbook site I got this to run:

    print win32api.GetUserName()
    print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value

the print win32api.GetUserName() prints the impersonated user's name
like I expect, but the notepad process is running as _me_, not the
impersonated user (@&$#^@$!!!). Am I doing something wrong?

I briefly toyed with win32process.CreateProcessAsUser, but that put me
back at square one with the error about not having a required


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