[python-win32] manage local drives sharing informations

FOURNIER Cedric cedric.fournier at sescoi.fr
Tue Mar 16 12:50:13 EST 2004


First of all, my config:
windows 2000 sp2
python 2.3

I would like to manage my sharing informations for all my local drives 
(eg: name of the share, comments, ...).

I've found the following code which can be a start :
   import wmi
   system = wmi.WMI ()
   my_computer = system.Win32_ComputerSystem ()[0]
   print "Disks on", my_computer.Name
   for disk in system.Win32_LogicalDisk ():
      print disk.Caption, disk.Description, disk.ProviderName or ""

but I don't know where to find a list and description of properties such
as Name, Caption, Description, ProviderName, .......

If somebody have some explanations for me, I would be cool.

Thanks for your help

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