[python-win32] win32pipe Usage

Neil Benn benn at cenix-bioscience.com
Thu Mar 11 05:57:14 EST 2004


             I'm starting to get to grips with Python-win32 but I have a 
couple of questions I was hoping somebody could advise me with :

    Looking at the win32api documentation on the ActiveState website, 
there are a number of classes I can use (one of them being pyHANDLE).  
However I cannot find which module the classes are defined in, is there 
any information (I've done google searches - to no avail) which will 
tell me where these classes are defined so that I can import them?

    Also, more specific, I'm attempting to write a python program which 
will talk to a Named Pipe created by another process.  I can do this 
successfully with win32pipe.CallNamedPipe(), however this method 
connects and disconnects to the pipe on each transaction.  Does anyone 
know how to connect to an existing named pipe and leave that connection 
open for a period of time (then closing when completed).

    Thanks, in advance for your assistance.




Neil Benn
Senior Automation Engineer
Cenix BioScience
PfotenhauerStrasse 108

Tel : +49 (351) 210 1300
e-mail : benn at cenix-bioscience.com
Cenix Website : http://www.cenix-bioscience.com

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