[python-win32] User Info from AD

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Wed Jan 14 03:24:12 EST 2004

> I'm trying to get a list of groups that an Active Directory user belongs
to.  It is win 2000.
> [... snip most of .vbs function ...]

OK. The important bit is this:

Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain & "/" & strUserName &

which equates to this in python (assumes you have installed win32all

import win32com.client
domain_name = "VOUK"
user_name = "goldent"
user = win32com.client.GetObject ("WinNT://%s/%s,user" % (domain_name,

And then you just iterate over the user.Groups () method, like this:

group_names = []
for group in user.Groups ():
  group_names.append (group.Name)

print group_names

The stuff with the dictionary you can ignore, because
 you'll be using Python's own structures: lists of Dicts
 depending on what you want to do.


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