[python-win32] Re: Found how to use TLBs with py2exe,

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Fri Feb 27 11:48:59 EST 2004

jkreps at rev.state.ne.us writes:

> "I don't have VSS installed (shudder), I use CVS ;-)"
> CVS is sweet, fast and stable.

I guess that subversion is better, nowadays.  But I don't have
experience with it.

> I'm using CVSNT as a local service and my front end is WinCVS.   But, most

I'm using repositories on linux servers, either via pserver or ssh.
And sometimes local files on nt servers.

> of my CVS work I do through TortoiseCVS, which is embedded in the menu
> options of Windows Explorer.   A couple of right mouse clicks on the
> project folder or selected files is all it takes.

TortoiseCVS is nice, but I don't like WinCVS.

Normally I use either command line cvs from the command prompt,
or pcl-cvs from inside XEmacs.  No couple of mouse clicks required - you
can lease the hands where they belong.

> Pardon my curiosity, but how and with what are you using CVS?


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