[python-win32] Persistent COM server? (GetObject?)

Peter Parente parente at cs.unc.edu
Thu Feb 5 15:49:42 EST 2004

Is it possible to create a COM server in Python that persists even after 
the client that created it has finished using it and ends? For instance, 
I want to allow a COM client to instantiate my COM server if it is not 
already running. When that client finishes working with the COM server, 
I want the server to persist and wait around for the next client to 
contact it. The server never needs to quit.

To me, this sounds a lot like using the GetObject function for COM. The 
client calls GetObject and passes the function the name of the server 
class. If the server is running, an instance to that server is returned. 
If the server is not running, it is started and an instance is returned.

Is it possible to use GetObject to retrieve a reference to or start a 
Python COM server? Would this give me a persistent COM server that would 
exist past the lifetime of a client using it?

Peter Parente

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