[python-win32] Install error for win32all163: AXScript... 'module' object has no attribute 'import_pywin32_system_module__'

Don Pelletier dpelletier1991 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 5 15:06:21 EST 2004


just wanted to say awesome job for all the win32
contributions to the python community!!!

..and also ask if you knew about this installation
problem: (I just installed python 233final on my
windows 2000 machine.  It previously had py232 with
the previous version of win32all).

I noticed that there was an instance of python
running, so using pview, I yanked it from memory and
also found and registered an earlier version of
comcat.dll (4.71 I believe).
Then I ran the install of win32 package and recieved
this error (plus the usual two others after this- 
registration of the Python interpreter COM server
failed + Registration of the Python Dictionary COM
server failed...  ImportError: cannot import name

Registration of the AXScript Engine COM server failed.
Installation will continue, but this will require
manual registration before it will function

exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no
attribute 'import_pywin32_system_module__'

-thanks in advance

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