[python-win32] Executable file version in windows

Martin Richard Richard.Martin at thomson.net
Wed Feb 4 19:45:20 EST 2004

A hack that requires filever.exe from the NT resource kit.  filever returns
a human readable output that the code reads via a pipe; then it gets
substrings and does pattern matches to get the appropriate information.

It depends on developers putting the version string in a location where
filever can get it.


def getFileVerInfo(fullFilePath, verbose=0):
    Uses FileVer to get file information.
      fullFilePath: should be a path reachable from the current directory
      a tuple of strings for the value of the ProductVersion and the
      value of FileVersion
    pipe = 0
    inputLine = 'not blank'
    productVersionPattern = re.compile("\W*ProductVersion\W*(\S*)", re.I)
    fileVersionPattern = re.compile("\W*FileVersion\W*(\S*)", re.I)
    noFileVerPattern = re.compile("not recognized", re.I)
    dirPattern = re.compile('-----')
    productVersionString = ''
    fileVersionString = ''
    if verbose:
        print fullFilePath
        # need to quote the path name to handle filenames with spaces
        pipe = os.popen ('.\\filever.exe /v "%s"' % fullFilePath)
        # fileInfo will be a list of lines from the output of filever
        fileInfo = pipe.readlines()
        raise "Could not run filever.  Make sure it is on your path"
    # look for size and date from first line
    try: fileDate = fileInfo[0][50:60]
    except: fileDate = 'unknown'
    try: fileSize = fileInfo[0][39:49]
    except: fileSize = 'unknown'
    # look for product and file version strings in the reminder of the
    # output from filever.exe
    for line in fileInfo[1:]:
        match = productVersionPattern.search(line)
        if match:
            productVersionString = match.group(1)
        match = fileVersionPattern.search(line)
        if match:
            fileVersionString = match.group(1)
    return (fileDate, fileSize, productVersionString, fileVersionString)

-----Original Message-----
From: Michel Bélanger [mailto:michel.belanger at seidel.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 4:33 PM
To: python-win32 at python.org
Subject: [python-win32] Executable file version in windows


How can I query a file executable (exe, dll, com)for its version 
including the revision, i.e.


Many thanks

Michel Belanger

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